Tuesday June 05, 2023 felt like it was going to rain, it was a strange wind with skies so cloudy and stuffy I was waited for the pouring rain. It was a very strange day, one I have never seen in my 48 years. It was also very foggy, which was to strange part of it all and the air did not smell of water, it smelled stuffy.
So… around 4pm Tuesday afternoon, we decided to go out, the store we intended on visiting was going to close soon and we were never going to make it’s we decided to go to Trader Joe’s (food store), we are driving and the more we drove we began to feel we were inside a massive fog cloud and the world was going to end. All very strange, we arrive at our destination, I mention just how oddly foggy it is and how it smelled of fire, I began asking others if there was a fire around, the day was orange, the sun was opaque and extremely orange as never really seen before, I can stare directly inside the sun on a summer day at 5pm, unheard of, but very true.
I shared photos with friends, think in my mind the world is ending in weird way, we moved further from the sun, I don’t know, a few things went through my mind. I don’t watch the news, but I was told that it was a massive fire in Alberta, Canada, we are in the state of New Jersey, Above us is New York and Alberta Canada above New York. The haze is from the blazing fires in Alberta, Canada not fog, the orange the way we are able to see the sun under the fire flames haze, the smell is from the flames and wind being pushed from Alberta, Canada. I also to a lady who shared with me, that her clients smell and see the same all the way down in Virginia, USA. This is insane! We are closer than we think.
It is phenomenon! Something amazing to experience, so far once in my life.
Check out the images below, I tried to capture in different days, I used my Samsung S21 plus, zooming to the max, not bad.

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton, New Jersey - This images no filter, all organic results from the Alberta, Canada fire.

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton, New Jersey