The progression of technology

Studies show that in Ancient times our ancestors communicated through paintings, music, paper mediums and word of mouth. All still being used today, and many forget to think just how any more options we have in 2021. So many options we cannot keep up, too many options yet we still remain faithful to everything that society promotes and this can be a very fast lane with technology promoting the new and better every few months. How is that we as intelligent being can keep up with all the options?
Have you ever stopped to think about this for a minute?
The truth is that in early 1996 was the beginning stages of personal computers were accessible to the public, where technology was finally being shared with the rest of us for the masses. Let’s face it, computers have been used by government agencies since the 1960’s and earlier. We simply got it within the past 25 years and the way we have advanced because of knowledge sharing has advanced our intelligence faster than you can imagine.
With personal computers in the late 1990’s, meaning you now had access to purchasing your own computer system for your home of business came ways of communicating with the outside world through social media platforms, there was AOL (America On Line), Hotmail and Yahoo. By 2000 we were able to play games online with other members from around the world, games like pool, chess, checkers and more, we could enter chat rooms and meet others from around the world, which meant you had to have a username, password and email. That was life changing! Can you imagine? We now had the ability to communicate with others people that were on other cities, states, countries and continents, spectacular! Digital communication allowed humanity to be more digitally united.
By 2005, some of us already had websites, thus, websites were perceived more for the modern business and still if I had to take a guess 95% of the retailers were yet to join the online world, I saw this with my own two eyes. What you mostly found on the World Wide Web was corporate sites. I had my first corporate site with great images and that we used for information about our brand and products. Yet, many of our buyers did not pay much attention to the modern concept. Most retailers communicated via phone, fax, paper and personal interactions.
By 2007, online stores and websites became extremely popular amongst fashion brands, retailers, photographers and corporations.
Now, we are living in 2021, the absolute digital era, when people can order everything and I mean everything online, where you can virtually visit place on Earth without leaving your space, where we communicate with anyone anywhere. Technology has advanced so fast, that we manage our lives through a mobile phone, tablet or laptop.
How fast is too fast? How fast are we moving? When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone you cared for and mailed it to them?