Explore Austria
Continent: Europe
Country: Republic of Austria
Longitude & Latitude 47.5162° N, 14.5501° E
Bodies of Water: Danube, Rhine & Elbe, overall 2,194 running waters between lakes & rivers.
Capital: Vienna
Areas: 9 Regions/States
population: As of 2022 it is 9,104,068 million
Head of State: Alexander Van der Bellen
Climate: 2 Seasons, winters are cold and dry and summers are wet and warm.
Currency: Euro
Main Religions: Over 60% Christianity and Roman Catholic, over 10% Atheist, Over 10% unknown, the rest Muslim, Protestant and Orthodox, over 10% unknown
Country Code: +43
Indigenous ethnics groups: Burgenland Croats, Slovenes, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Turkish and Romanias.
Official Language: German
Traditional Music: Classical
Cultural Dance: The Vienna Waltz
Military: Austrian Armed Forces
Airports: 6 International airports
Airline: Austrian Airline
Hospitals: About 271 hospitals and clinics
Schools: Approximately 2, 971
Religious Worship Locales: Many throughout
Bridges: 7
Major Highways: 26 Autobahns
Main Import: Vehicles, packed medicaments, toxins, cultures, blood, vaccines and vehicle parts.
Main Export: Pharmaceuticals, paper products, vehicle parts, favored water, vehicles, wood, steel, iron, electrical machinery, computers and medical apparatus.
Electrical Outlet: Type C and F sockets, the 2 wholes
Culture: They enjoy eating and drinking coffee, gatherings with friends and family, music listening and attending music concerts, taking walks & love nature.
TV Stations: 4 national
Radio Stations: 12
Theme Parks: 15
Hotels: Approximately 11,800 properties
Beaches: 0
Golf Courses: Approximately 160
National Parks: 6
Museums: Approximately 2,400
Drive Steering Wheel: Right
Malls: Approximately 234
Date Format: day/month/year
Work Week: Monday through Friday
Architecture: Baroque
UNESCO Sites: 12 sites inscribed & 10 tentative sites
Internet Top Level Domain: .at
Official Website: bundeskanzleramt.gv.at
OK, so to be fair, my Austrian page is absolutely lacking greatly, and I’m aware. But, I truly wanted to share my brief Austrian experience, because, it was wonderful. Please note, I only spent 4 days in Austria. I was visiting family and I want to go visit again for at least a month. Yes, it was that memorable.
In the meantime, here is what I have to say about Austria. Ready? It is a very unique and friendly place place. The people are kind, respectful and welcoming. The culture is one to enjoy gatherings around food and from what I observed, they enjoy beer. Overall a happy an relaxed culture with some dry sense of humor in my humble opinion, but well received, because they come with great intentions. I have to say, Austrians are very polite and a culture that wants to help and please their guests. Vienna is a beautiful city!
Again, I was only in Austria for 4 days and did as much as we could within the time frame. My uncle was great at showing me around Vienna, where he was from and where he grew up.
- Kahlenberg Mountain in Vienna has a high peak where is extremely foggy, takes about 40 minutes to drive up and it is very special because you can see the entire city of Vienna from there. It is quiet a treat.
- Visit the Turkish neighborhoods that hosts the bazaars, walk around and find shop treasures like I did. I latterly purchased 8 pairs of Turkish and Italian made shoes of leather and high quality materials, plus they were name brands, for about $10 dollars each. It was such a fun treat for footwear aficionados like myself. I bought some for my mother and myself. And honestly, thinking back, I wish I spent more time in that Turkish neighborhood, because it seemed very fun, little Turkey in Vienna, Austria.
- You must visit the Schönbrunn Palace in Hietzing, Vienna. This is one stunning and happy palace, it is a massive yellow palace with some of the most beautiful gardens you can imagine, it even has a labyrinth made of shrubs. Very beautiful. You get to walk inside the labyrinth and find your way. That was my first time and was quite an experience.
- Meet with friends for dinner or walk around Vienna, it is lively both at night and during the day.
- Drive outside of Vienna and experience just how vibrant green the countryside is, it is very pictoresq, beautiful mountains, valleys, small windy roads, fresh air and relaxing.

Green, beautiful & friendly.
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